Nassimi's Writer’s Block Approved Disinfectants

May 2020


Many of the following disinfectants listed are on the CDCs approved list ( that continues to grow and have shown to do minimal to no damage when used appropriately.


Important notes:

  • Cleaners/Disinfectants should only be used in the dilutions recommended by the manufacturer and never in concentrated form.
  • After each application, disinfectants should be thoroughly wiped off with clean water and dried with a clean towel. Any chemical residue left on a surface can cause discoloration and degradation to the surface of the fabric.

List of Disinfectants that are approved for uses with the Writer's Block finish from Nassimi.


Accel (Concentrate) Disinfectant Cleaner

Accel TB Wipes

AF3 Germicidal Disposable Wipe

Birex SE Disinfectant

Caviwipes 1

Citrace Germicide

Clorox Commercial Solutions® Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant

Clorox Commercial Solutions® Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes

Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes

Clorox Healthcare® Bleach Germicidal Wipes

Diluted Bleach (1:10)

Diluted Bleach (1:5)

EZ Kill Wipes



Formula 409®

Greenworks All Purpose Cleaner

Isopropyl Alcohol (70%)

Lysol® Foaming disinfectant cleaner

Lysol® Disinfectant Spray

Neutral Disinfectant Cleaner

Oasis 146

Oasis Quat 144


Oxycide Daily Disinfectant Cleaner

PDI Sani-Cloth HB


Purell Food Service Sanitizer

Sani-professional Multi Surface Wipes

Sani-Professional Table Turners Wipes

SaniZide Plus

Simple Green

Super Sani-Cloth Germicidal Disposable Wipe

Virex® 5

Virex™ II / 256

Virox AHP 5


You can download a guide containing a full list of disinfectant that all our coated fabrics pass.


Check out our Cleaning and Disinfecting FAQ.

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